
Girl Almost Has Best Night Of Her Life

5 Aug , 2014  

girl has best night of her life

Last night, eye witness report seeing a girl that they believe was having the best night of her life. “She just kept screaming and screaming!” One witness exclaims. Sources claim that the girl was last seen heading to the mall to purchase a new outfit for the latest music festival to appear in her area. […]

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#1 Child Name of 2014 is “Wakarusa”

4 Aug , 2014  


Seen as one of the more popular music festivals in the southern United States, Wakarusa has had a giant impact on the current generation as more and more parents are naming their newborn children after the festival. “Wakarusa changed my life.” states Kim Stefferson, recent festival attendee. “I met my boyfriend at Waka. We shared […]

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